About us

Executive Summary

In analyzing Al-Medyaf business vision for 2030, there are some powers and strength which becomes the opportunity for Al-Medyaf to tripe the current business. The main point of success is, Al-Medyaf success to triple its business during the last five years in addition to the strong market potentiality as a result of the Saudi vision 2030 to double hajj and Umrah from 15 million to 30 million by 2030. This will allow a great opportunity for Al-Medyaf to target at least 1% of this potential market expansion. Al-Medyaf made its decision to build its 10 years business plan to enhance its business from 30 million in 2018 to 90 million in 2025 and 180 Million in 2030.

In 2019, Al-Medyaf signed a deal which will enlarge the business by 200% of the current one in 2018. The distributed return on Investment during the last 5 years was between 25 to 30%. This means there is expectation that this percentage may be larger during the next 5 years, with consideration that the reserve fund which allocated for the business will be doubled.

Board of Directors

Mr. Lafi Aldhafeeri

Chairman of the Board and CEO

Eng. Mostafa Shaiba

General Manager and Managing Director

Eng. Yasser Al-Mousa

Operations and Follow-up Manager

Mr. Mohamed Hamam

CEO Assistant for Follow-up and Analysis Affairs

Mr. Mohamed Ahmed

Financial Director

Mr. Mohamed Gomaa

Sales and Marketing Director

Mr. Mustafa Mukhtar

Hotel Manager

Al-Medyaf Numbers



Al-Modiaf Al-Masiah Company is one of the companies owned by Kafani Hotel, which has been able, with the help of God, to establish its reputation as one of the leading companies in providing services of a high level of quality and credibility.

Since its inception, Al-Modyaf has developed strong relationships with relevant companies and entities in the destinations it serves around the world. Al-Modayaf has been seeking over the years to implement its lofty mission “worship without hardship” by facilitating the procedures for performing Hajj and Umrah rituals, organizing Hajj and Umrah services, implementing ration campaigns, and providing facilities and support services to raft companies and related companies.

Al-Modayaf adopts a policy of change and the application of modern communication technologies in implementing a logistical system that allows performing rituals easily and efficiently according to specified procedures, providing the best services and achieving the highest levels of satisfaction for the guests of Rahman on an ongoing basis.